Portland Startups List

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Meet 19 Founder View everyone

ID 286775

Mauhan M. Zonoozy

Founded @bubbl-3 | @collegecraig | @RangeProductions Invested @YASCapitalPartners | @insite Fellow Studied @GeorgetownLaw @StanfordIgnite Avoids @socks

ID 808875

Emily C. Youatt


Founder BOT Systems Micro Venture Fund; M.A., University of Chicago; development finance; bridging global financial and cultural gaps

ID 766995

Joel Mulkey

Founder and CEO Bigleaf Networks, Built an ISP as the CIO at Freewire, a regional ISP. Expert network architect and strong leader.

ID 477714

Tony Rieker

Founder @pbnation (acquired) • Senior Dev at @cloudability • Early Engineer @cloudengage-1

ID 5696

Aaron Gray

Entrepreneur, Product Guy, Team Builder. Founder/CEO @deconstructed. Former VP of User Experience at Thunderhead, Director of Biz Dev at Webtrends.

ID 64675

Rod Bauer

I excel in helping clients gain traction, earn customers, launch businesses and products, and communicate with influencers, investors, users, and the press.

ID 188391

Rachel Nabors

Award-winning cartoonist turned interactive developer, traveling the world speaking about web animation.

ID 716826

Blake Brinker


ID 396792

Sean Wiese

Founder at Nomalicious.co Nomalicious is a subscription box for local artisan makers. Regional food boxes curated and delivered quarterly.

ID 308163

Zia Word

Co-founder Lialina, Fewe.st, AFTR & Guerrilla Gameshow. Worked with large brands bringing digital to life. Tech, Creative, Growth hacking, Marketing & business

ID 330661

Melissa Wilmot

Founder & CEO of WedBrilliant. Self-funded my 1st tech start-up and launched in February 2014! Also tweeting at https://twitter.com/MelissaWilmot.

ID 596186

Genevieve Morganstern

CEO and Co-Founder @sadie, and @nayariva • Experienced entrepreneur, strong business background, @university-of-washington MBA, VC/accelerator consultant.

ID 679405

Adam Bickford

Co-founder and CTO of Piggybank.

ID 679392

Oscar Godson

Co-founder of Piggybank • Previously an engineer at @simple and before that @yammer. Long time open source contributor and creator of EpicEditor.

ID 499455

Salih Waritu

Founder @appstyr , @seenuu • Worked at @navex-global • Studied at @university-of-oregon

ID 141901

Elliot Swan

Creating delightful experiences one byte at a time. Fan of awesome things. Co-founder of @vadio

ID 276254

Sean Thorne

Founder, Hallspot

ID 596295

Andrew Smith

Founder Kneto • Worked at @yahoo, @webmd • Studied at @tufts-university, @school-of-the-museum-of-fine-arts

ID 537102

Jonathan Ortiz-Myers

Wine-Chemist, Particle-Beam Physicist, Entrepreneur, Husband, Son and Friend: I start things–and am currently VP of strategy for enterprise SaaS company.

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