Portland Startups List

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ID 14092

Andrew D. Nystrom

Nike Global Digital Platform lead, Partnerships & Innovation. Nike Football (Soccer), Red Bull, LA Times/Tribune Co., Lonely Planet alum. Award winning author.

ID 85160

Renny Gleeson


Co-founder of the PIE accelerator & Global Dir., Interactive Strategy at Wieden + Kennedy. Stints at Carat, @nba. Founder iTurf. Yalie.

ID 144366

Lynn Le

Associate, @portlandseedfund

ID 5610

Rick Turoczy

Cofounder @piepdx; founder @silicon-florist; cofounder TechFestNW; marketing MedicaLogic (now GE), ProSight (now Oracle), Digimarc

ID 141910

Danielle Alexander

Growth and Innovation Consultant

ID 57926

Mark Hatch

CEO and Co-Founder of TechShop. Launched 3 Fortune 500 websites: Avery, Kinkos (ecommerce), & HealthNet's benefits ASP. Author, Speaker, MBA, Green Beret.

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